Built-in Cooling Fan and heat dissipation holes to the aluminum alloy shell to acheive better heat dissapation, which helps to reduce the internal temperature and maintain the best performance of the SSD.
First, plug in your USB hard drive. Then, follow the instructions below to start automatically backing up your Mac! **WARNING:** Make sure your new USB drive is totally empty! Time Machine will usually *erase the drive* so it can do its thing. If this is a new drive and you’re okay with it, keep reading! 1. Open the menu (in the top left of your screen) and choose System Preferences. 2. Click on “Time Machine”. 3. Click “Select Disk”. 4. Choose your USB hard drive from the list and select “Use Disk”. You're done! Your Mac will back itself up automatically from now on. If you're using a MacBook, make sure to plug in your hard drive regularly so it can save your files! ... Learn more here https://www.ankmax.com/newsinfo/6984179.html
In computer networks, jumbo frames refer to Ethernet frames whose payload exceeds the limit of 1500 Bytes by the IEEE 802.3 standard, and are specifically designed for Gigabit Ethernet. Generally, the segment from 1500Byte to 9000Byte is called: jumbo frames, and then from 9000Byte to 64000Byte is called Super jumbo frames. Jumbo frames improve data transmission efficiency by sending a bigger frame of data instead of the standard one. The standard data frame has 1500 MTU size and the jumbo frame is typically set at 9000 MTU value size when enabled. Each manufacturer has different settings. For example, Ankmax UC31G2 USB 3.1 to 2.5GbE adapter has 4088Bytes, 9014Bytes, 16128Bytes and so on.Jumbo frame improves data transmission in two ways. First each frames sent have “overheads” or information regarding those frame. By sending out a jumbo frame instead of standard, you end up sending out more data with the same amount of overhead. The second way is that by sending a bigger amount o...
1. Click the Start button. 2. Type “backup” into the search box. 3. Click on Backup and Restore. 4. Choose “Set up Backup”. 5. When Windows has finished preparing, select your external hard drive and click Next. 6. Click “Let Windows Choose” and press Next. You can change when Windows backs up your files by clicking “Change Backup Schedule” if you like. The more often, the better! Then click “Save settings and run backup”. You’re all done! Windows will backup automatically from now on. Make sure you leave your hard drive plugged in, or if you’re on a laptop, set a reminder to plug it in often. Congrats on setting up your first backup! ... Learn more here https://www.ankmax.com/newsinfo/6984179.html
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