
Showing posts from August, 2021

The 26 Best iPad Drawing Accessories

Apple, Logitech, Elevation Lab You’ve finally dedicated your artistic mind to the convenient world of iPad art. But as it turns out, creating art on your iPad can get pretty uncomfortable if you don’t have the right tools. Thing is, shopping for iPad drawing accessories can be kind of overwhelming. There are a ton of products on the market, and they won’t always suit your needs. Some styluses won’t suit your drawing style, some mounts or kickstands aren’t as adjustable as they should be, and it can be hard to pick out an iPad keyboard if you’ve never used one before. Lucky for you, we’ve taken the time to hunt down and organize the top 26 iPad drawing accessories. Don’t worry, you won’t need all 26–just one or two from each category that suits your needs. With these accessories in hand, you can finally take the iPad out of your lap and end your heinous iPad fingerpainting lifestyle. Learn more here

iPad Pro adapter, support OTG function to make everything possible

Ankmax UC312A USB-C TO USB-A conversion adapter , supports converting the TYPE C interface of iPad Pro to USB A interface, which can be connected to external mobile hard disk, U disk, wireless keyboard and Mouse, Bluetooth transmitter, game controls and card readers, etc., allow iPad Pro to make full use of various USB peripherals and have more functional extensions. The adapter can be adapted to transmit data at the highest USB 3.1 level from 480Mbps to 10Gbps. Just plug it in to work. The high-quality aluminum alloy body provides unparalleled durability. The mini USB C adapter is lightweight and easy to carry, so you can take it with you. Put it in your bag, pocket or purse anytime, anywhere. Learn more here


Ankmax USB Type-Cギガビットイーサネットアダプターは、iPad Proを高速有線ネットワークに接続できます。ギガビットデータ転送速度は、高解像度のビデオストリーミング、ゲーム、Webブラウジング、ネットワークストレージなどを提供し、高速エクスペリエンスを実現しますさらに異なる。 •安全で安定しているため、干渉を心配することなく最大のファイルをダウンロードできます。 •高解像度の4K / 8K映画、テレビ番組、大規模なオンラインゲーム、マルチタスクブラウジング、データのダウンロードとアップロードをすぐに楽しめます。 詳細はこちら

Achieve higher speed and stability than WIFI

This Ankmax USB Type-C Gigabit Ethernet Adapter can connect iPad Pro to a high-speed wired network. The Gigabit data transfer rate provides high-resolution video streaming, games, web browsing, network storage, etc., making the high-speed experience even more different .• Safe and stable, you can download the largest files without worrying about interference.• Immediately enjoy high-definition 4K/8K movies, TV shows, large-scale online games, multi-task browsing, data download and upload. Learn more here


USB 3.1 Gen2 type-Cインターフェースを搭載したANKMAX高速SSD外付けハードディスクボックスは、2TB以上のM.2 NVMeSSDをサポートできます。 iPad Proに直接接続して使用できるため、iPad Proの容量を2TB以上拡張でき、ストレージ容量の不足を心配する必要がありません。 最大10Gbpsの速度を実現できます。これは、従来の外付けハードドライブの6〜8倍の速度です。 大きなデータファイルと4Kビデオを数秒で転送およびバックアップします。 M.2エンクロージャーの工具不要の設計により、他の工具を使用せずにSSDを数秒ですばやく取り付けることができます。 セットアップが簡単で、ホットスワップ可能で、プラグアンドプレイで、ドライバーは必要ありません。 超薄型でスタイリッシュなデザイン、アルミニウム合金のサンドブラストシェル、耐久性と便利さ、ポータブルで便利、旅行や持ち運びに最適。 詳細はこちら

Large-capacity and high-speed external SSD storage device makes data storage worry-free

ANKMAX high-speed M.2 NVMe/SATA SSD Enclosure Adapter, equipped with USB 3.1 Gen2 type-C interface, can support M.2 NVMe SSD of 2TB or more. It can be directly connected to the iPad Pro for use, so that the capacity of the iPad Pro can be expanded by more than 2TB, and there is no need to worry about running out of storage space. It can achieve speeds of up to 10 Gbps, which is 6-8 times faster than traditional external hard drives. Transfer and backup large data files and 4K videos in a matter of seconds. The tool-free design of the M.2 Enclosure allows the SSD to be quickly installed in a few seconds without any other tools. Easy to set up, hot-swappable, plug-and-play, no driver required. Ultra-thin and stylish design, aluminum alloy sandblasted shell, durable and convenient, portable and convenient, ideal for travel and carry. Learn more here


  ツーインワンカードリーダーデバイスは、データ交換をより便利にします カードリーダーにはUSB3.0 TypeAおよびTypeCプラグが搭載されており、iPad ProとPC、ラップトップ、電話、タブレット間でOTG機能を使用して、高速データを簡単に交換できます。 USBカードリーダーにはUSB3.0チップが内蔵されており、2つのカードスロットを同時に使用できます。SD、SDHC、SDXC、RS-MMC、MMC、Micro SD、MicroSDHCを含むすべての一般的なメモリカードをサポートします。 Micro SDXCおよびUHS-Iカード、容量は最大512Gです、最大5Gbpsの高速転送速度を実現し、1GBの高解像度動画をわずか数秒で転送できます。 詳細はこちら

Two-in-one card reader device makes data exchange more convenient

Two-in-one card reader device makes data exchange more convenient The card reader is equipped with USB 3.0 Type A and Type C plugs, which can be used between iPad Pro and PC, laptop, mobile phone and tablet with OTG function, and easily exchange high-speed data. The USB card reader has a built-in USB 3.0 chip, and two card slots can be used at the same time. It supports all popular memory cards, including SD, SDHC, SDXC, RS-MMC, MMC, Micro SD, Micro SDHC, Micro SDXC and UHS-I cards , The capacity is up to 512G. It can provide a high-speed transfer rate of up to 5Gbps, allowing 1GB of high-definition movies to be transferred in just a few seconds. Learn more here  


優れたイーゼル、スタンド、またはタブレットスタンドは、不快感を軽減し、好みに戻すことができます。 平らな面にペイントするのは不快な場合があり、不安定な面(膝など)は必ずしも簡単にペイントできるとは限りません。 優れたイーゼル、スタンド、またはタブレットスタンドは、不快感を軽減し、好みに戻すことができます。 ANKMAX STPF2 iPadマルチアングル調節可能折りたたみスタンド(2399円)-この高さと角度を自由に調節できるスタンドは、長時間の塗装に適した快適な角度に調節できます。 自宅、デスク、外出先での使用に最適です。 薄くて丈夫で安価です。 使いやすく、どんなバッグにも入れられます。 詳細はこちら

A suitable bracket can make your study and life more comfortable

Painting on a flat surface can be uncomfortable, and an unstable surface (such as your knee) is not always easy to paint on. A good easel, stand or tablet stand can alleviate some of your discomfort and return you to the state you like. ANKMAX STPF2 iPad Multi-Angle Adjustable Folding Stand ($29) -This freely adjustable height and angle stand can be adjusted to a comfortable angle suitable for painting for a long time. Very suitable for use at home, on the desk or on the go. It is thin, durable and inexpensive. Easy to use and can be put in any bag. Learn more here


iPadで映画を見るのが大画面テレビや映画館ほどクールではないのと同じように、iPadでの描画は常に画面のサイズによって制限され、最大サイズは現在iPad Pro12.9のみです。映画館で映画を見ているような気分になりたいですか?心配しないでください。iPadProで、より大きな画面のテレビやプロジェクターにリアルタイムで描画できます。このような描画体験を試したことはありませんか?映画を見るのと同じように、実際に試してみてください。USB C to HDMI HUB ハブ はそれを実現するのに役立ちます。 ANKMAX P631HG USB-Cハブ(4399円)-6-in-1多機能USB-Cハブ。HDMIポートは4K解像度をサポートし、iPadPro画面の描画コンテンツをTV に同期できます、モニター/プロジェクター楽器などの大画面と共有します。PD充電ポートはiPadProを同時に充電することもできるので、長時間の塗装作業に便利です。 詳細はこちら

Share the details of your painting to make your painting better

Just as watching a movie on the iPad is not as cool as a large-screen TV or a movie theater, drawing on the iPad is always limited by the size of the screen, and the largest size is currently only the iPad Pro 12.9. Do you want a feeling of watching a movie in a cinema? Don't worry, you can draw on the iPad Pro to a TV or projector with a larger screen in real time. Haven't you tried this kind of drawing experience? Just like watching a movie, go and try it out, a USB C to HDMI HUB can help you achieve it. ANKMAX P631HG USB-C Hub Adapter with 4K HDMI (US$35) -a 6-in-1 multi-function USB-C hub, the HDMI port supports 4K resolution, which can synchronize the drawing content of the iPad Pro screen to the TV/monitor/projector To share with big screens such as instrument. The PD charging port can also charge the iPad Pro at the same time, which is convenient for long-term painting work. Learn more here


iPad Proの強力なパフォーマンスにより、iPadの機能に対する人々の理解が大幅に向上したため、特にAppleの最新のM1チップがiPadProで使用されています。Type-CインターフェイスはすでにUSB-C3.1 Gen 2で最大10Gbpsの速度であり、1台あたり60フレームに達する可能性があります。 2番目。5KHDディスプレイを駆動します。したがって、適用可能なシナリオはますます増えています。大画面プロジェクション、ファイル入出力、データの保存とバックアップ、高速ネットワーク接続、キーボードとマウスの接続、さまざまなスイッチングデバイスなど、iPadPro専用に開発された多くのアクセサリがあります。これらの拡張ツールについては、ブランドを選択し、本日6つのカテゴリを具体的にリストして、すべての人が理解できるように詳細に紹介しました。 詳細はこちら

2021 recommendation- The 6 most useful iPad Pro accessories

Because the powerful performance of iPad Pro has greatly improved people's understanding of iPad functions, especially Apple's latest M1 chip is used in iPad Pro. Type-C interface is already USB-C 3.1 Gen 2 up to 10Gbps speed, which can reach 60 frames per second Drive 5K HD displayer. Therefore, there are more and more applicable scenarios. There are many accessories developed specifically for iPad Pro, including large-screen projection, file input and output, data storage and backup, high-speed network connection, keyboard and mouse connection, and various switching devices came into being. Regarding these extension tools, we selected a brand and specifically listed 6 categories today to introduce them in detail for everyone to understand. Learn more here

Thunderbolt 5 is Here - Up To 80 Gbps Bandwidth With Existing USB Type-C Ports

  Thunderbolt 5 is Here - Up To 80 Gbps Bandwidth With Existing USB Type-C Ports The last visible line states "[...]N6 test-chip focusing on the new PHY technology is working in [...] showing promising results". The only information that can be gathered by the statement is that the N6 test-chip is a TSMC node. Outside of that, it is unsure what the complete statement shows. Advancing to a Thunderbolt 5 bandwidth seems the most logical step for Intel to move towards, but with only having the information provided, we will have to wait until we can access more information to provide an expert opinion on Intel's move towards PAM-3 technology. Learn more here

Thunderbolt 5 is Here - Up To 80 Gbps Bandwidth With Existing USB Type-C Ports

So, where PAM-4 is twice the bandwidth of NRZ, PAM-3 is in between the two but allows for a much higher bandwidth that PAM-4 needs to utilize exceptions and extra limitations. In essence, this technology will process the variables, not only faster but more efficiently. Learn more here

Thunderbolt 5 is Here - Up To 80 Gbps Bandwidth With Existing USB Type-C Ports

The following line reads "[T]he PHY will be based on novel PAM-3 modulation technology". When talking about PAM-3, or Pulse Amplitude Modulation, we are discussing how 0s and 1s are transmitted, or in this case, a single bit. Right now, PAM-4 and NRZ are the standard, where the number 4 pertains to the number of variances of zeros and ones (00, 01, 10, or 11) being transmitted in NRZ, or a single bit. In PAM-3, zeroes and ones are thought of in negative or positive values—i.e. -1, 0, and +1. The system then combines two PAM-3 modules and transmits the information into 3-bit data signals, where the value 000 is an -1 followed by -1. Learn more here

Intel Accidently Unveils Thunderbolt 5 (PAM-3 Modulation) Technology With Up To 80 Gbps Transfer Speeds

Like most executives, he is documenting part of his trip through social media, namely Twitter. Posting to social media is great for public relations, but is also full of room for error. While visiting one of the Israeli facilities, several photos were taken, and he posted some for Intel fans and users on Twitter. One photo which shows Intel's Next-gen Thunderbolt 5 technology with PAM3 made it to Twitter, along with a few others, but was promptly removed and replaced with only three photos from the visit. Why was the post removed? The photo in question displayed information on a poster at the facility that showcased new technology that was not meant to be released to the public—at least not yet. The subject of the poster states "80G PHY Technology", which is speculated to be the physical layers on an 80 Gbps connection. If this is true, that is currently double the current physical layers, which is 40 Gbps, utilizing Thunderbolt 4. Underneath the header, the first line re...

Thunderbolt 5 is Here - Up To 80 Gbps Bandwidth With Existing USB Type-C Ports

Gregory Bryant, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Intel’s Client Computing Group, is visiting the Israeli Intel Research and Development facilities in an effort to see what new products and technologies are in development for the future of Intel such as the next-gen Thunderbolt Type-C interface. Learn more here


次に、コンピューターをシャットダウンします。SSDをコンピューターに永続的にインストールする時が来ました。ラップトップにハードドライブスロットが1つしかない場合は、古いハードドライブを取り外して、SSDと交換する必要があります。これは、すべてのラップトップでわずかに異なります。複数のハードドライブスロットを備えたデスクトップコンピューターがある場合は、古いハードドライブを追加のストレージスペースとして使用し、その隣にSSDをインストールできます。 詳細はこちら

Install your solid state drive

Next, shut down the computer. It's time to install the SSD permanently in your computer. If your laptop has only one hard drive slot, you need to remove the old hard drive and replace it with an SSD. This is slightly different on every laptop. If you have a desktop computer with multiple hard drive slots, you can use the old hard drive as additional storage space and install the SSD next to it. Learn more here

Back Up Your Data (and Free Up Space, if Necessary)

If your SSD is the same size or smaller than the old hard drive, the cloning process should be complete and you can skip to the next step. However, if your upgraded SSD has less space than the old hard drive, you need to do one or two things. The Windows volume you copy to the SSD will be the same size as the original hard drive, and you will need to expand it to take up the rest of the disk. The Backupper Pro version allows you to perform this operation during the cloning process, but there is no charge-another AOMEI tool called Partition Assistant can perform this operation for free. Learn more here